Vue.js 3 features: Explore 10 amazing features over Vue.js 2

Introduction to Vue.js 3

Vue.js 3 is like a magic. wand for web developers, introducing a bunch of awesome new tricks to make website building smoother and more enjoyable. In this guide, we’ll explore Ten fantastic features of Vue.js 3 that are transforming the way we create websites. From simplifying code with the Composition API to boosting performance with faster rendering, Vue.js 3 is here to make your web projects shine brighter than ever!

Vue.js 3 features

Vue.js 3 Top features

  1. Composition API: Streamline Your Code Structure The Composition API in Vue.js 3 features revolutionizes the way you organize your code, allowing you to break down complex logic into smaller, reusable pieces. Instead of relying solely on options-based syntax, you can now use functions to encapsulate related logic. Let’s see it in action:
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';

const count = ref(0);
const doubledCount = computed(() => count.value * 2);
const increment = () => {

Code Logic Explanation:

  • ref(0) creates a reactive reference to a numerical value, count.
  • computed(() => count.value * 2) creates a computed property, doubledCount, which doubles the value of count.
  • increment() is a function that increments the value of count.
  1. Teleport: Seamlessly Move Components Across the DOM Teleport is a new feature in Vue.js 3 that enables you to render components at a different location in the DOM hierarchy. This is particularly useful for creating modal dialogs, tooltips, and other components that need to be positioned outside their parent element. Here’s a simple example:
  <teleport to="body">
    <div class="modal">
      <!-- Modal content -->

Code Logic Explanation:

  • The <teleport> tag allows you to render its content (<div class="modal">) at a specified target (to="body"), moving it out of its current DOM position.
  • This ensures that the modal content is rendered at the end of the document body, ensuring proper styling and behavior regardless of its parent.
  1. Fragment Syntax: Enhance Code Readability Vue.js 3 introduces Fragment Syntax, allowing you to group multiple elements without the need for a wrapper div. This results in cleaner and more concise code, especially in components with multiple root elements. Take a look:

Code Logic Explanation:

  • The <> and </> tags define a fragment, allowing you to group multiple elements (<h1> and <p>) without introducing an extra wrapping div.
  • This enhances code cleanliness and readability, avoiding unnecessary div soup and improving component structure.
  1. Suspense: Simplify Asynchronous Component Handling The Suspense component in Vue.js 3 simplifies the handling of asynchronous operations, such as data fetching or code splitting. It allows you to specify fallback content to display while the asynchronous operation is in progress. Here’s how you can use it:
    <template #default>
      <AsyncComponent />
    <template #fallback>
      <LoadingSpinner />

Code Logic Explanation:

  • The <Suspense> component wraps an asynchronous component (<AsyncComponent />) and provides fallback content (<LoadingSpinner />) to display while the component is loading.
  • This ensures a smooth user experience by showing a loading indicator until the asynchronous operation completes, preventing content flickering or empty states.

Migration Features

  1. Performance Optimization: Enhance Your App’s Speed Vue.js 3 comes with numerous performance optimizations under the hood, including a faster Virtual DOM and optimized rendering algorithms. These optimizations result in snappier user interfaces and improved overall performance.
  2. Custom Renderer: Tailor Vue.js to Your Needs With Vue.js 3, you have the flexibility to create custom renderers, allowing you to adapt Vue.js to various environments and platforms beyond the web browser. This opens up exciting possibilities for server-side rendering, native mobile app development, and more.


  • Vue.js 3 introduces the ability to create custom renderers using the createRenderer function.
  • Custom renderers enable developers to tailor Vue.js to specific use cases, such as server-side rendering, native mobile app development, or rendering to other environments like canvas or WebGL.

Example code for custom renderer:

import { createRenderer } from 'vue';

const customRenderer = createRenderer({
  // Custom rendering logic

// Use custom renderer with Vue
  1. Improved TypeScript Integration: Strengthen Type Safety Vue.js 3 offers enhanced support for TypeScript, providing better type inference and stricter type checking. This helps catch errors at compile-time and provides a more robust development experience for TypeScript users.


  • Vue.js 3 improves TypeScript integration by providing better type inference and stricter type checking.
  • TypeScript users benefit from enhanced type safety, as errors are caught at compile-time, leading to more robust and maintainable codebases.

Example code with TypeScript:

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;

const user: User = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30

Vue.js 3 Advanced Features

  1. Global API Changes: Simplify Your Development Workflow Vue.js 3 introduces changes to the global API, making it more intuitive and consistent with modern JavaScript conventions. This simplifies the development process and reduces the learning curve for new developers entering the Vue.js ecosystem.


  • Vue.js 3 simplifies the global API by adopting modern JavaScript conventions and making it more intuitive.
  • These changes streamline the development workflow and reduce the learning curve for new developers, making it easier to get started with Vue.js.

Example of simplified global API usage:

// Vue 2.x
Vue.component('my-component', {
  // Component options

// Vue 3.x
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

const MyComponent = defineComponent({
  // Component options

9. Reactivity System Overhaul: Improve Predictability and Performance Vue.js 3 revamps its reactivity system with the use of proxies, resulting in better performance and more predictable behavior, especially in scenarios involving deeply nested data structures and complex reactivity dependencies.


  • Vue.js 3 enhances its reactivity system by leveraging proxies for better performance and predictability.
  • Proxies enable Vue.js to track changes more efficiently, leading to improved performance, especially in scenarios with complex data structures and reactivity dependencies.

Example of reactive data with Vue.js 3:

import { reactive } from 'vue';

const state = reactive({
  count: 0

// Update count
  1. Faster Virtual DOM: Achieve Smoother Rendering Vue.js 3’s Virtual DOM has been optimized for speed and efficiency, resulting in smoother rendering and improved responsiveness, particularly in applications with frequent updates to the UI.


  • Vue.js 3 optimizes its Virtual DOM for speed and efficiency, resulting in smoother rendering and improved responsiveness.
  • These optimizations reduce rendering times and enhance the overall user experience, especially in applications with dynamic data and frequent UI updates.


As we come to the end of our journey, let’s tip our hats to Vue.js 3 new features for being the ultimate helper in the world of web development. Its amazing features like the Composition API, Teleport, and Suspense have simplified our tasks and made our websites better. So, here’s to Vue.js 3 – our trusty companion on the web development adventure! Keep on building awesome stuff and making the internet a cooler place with Vue.js 3 by your side! Explore Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3 . Refer “Create Vue App: with npm, npx, yarn and Vue CLI setup” for more details about Vue setup.

Remember: The Vue ecosystem is vast and ever-evolving. Stay curious, explore the official Vue documentation and Vue.js 3 features, experiment with different libraries and tools, and actively engage with the vibrant Vue community. With dedication and practice, you’ll be building remarkable Vue applications in no time!

Stay tuned every Tuesday for fresh insights into frontend topics, because keeping up with the latest in web development has never been more exciting!

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